Australian Customs legislation is complex and substantial penalties may be imposed for errors, whether or not duty has been shortpaid.
Our experienced, licensed Customs brokers are quarantine accredited and have detailed knowledge and understanding of import and export requirements. We will efficiently manage your import declarations and ensure your legal obligations to Customs, Quarantine, Taxation and other regulatory authorities are met.
Customs duty minimisation and management is also a complex area that can have a significant impact upon business practices and operating costs. Given that the substantive rate on most imported machinery, parts and equipment is 5%, or $50,000 per $1 million spend, customs duty minimisation should be an important consideration for any importer.
Susan Danks Tariff Consulting is recognised by our peers and our clients in the importing community across all states in Australia as an expert in Customs consulting including customs duty management systems and compliance. We provide practical advice that is fully compliant with all Customs procedures and legislation and that has as its ultimate goal the reduction of your import duty liability.
The Customs Tariff and its associated schedules is a large and complex document requiring years of experience to correctly interpret and understand and changes in Tariff Concession Orders occur on a weekly basis. If the products you are importing are incorrectly classified or if opportunities for duty minimisation are either not identified or missed, you are either over-paying customs duty or at risk of a customs penalty.
We understand how changes in business processes and/or Customs legislation can impact our clients’ duty management systems. We keep abreast of changes including those as a result of Federal Court and AAT decisions, the WCO, changes in Australian legislation and changes in Customs interpretation. We assess the effects this will have on our clients so that we are always in a position to offer relevant, accurate and timely advice that is both compliant and in the spirit of your business culture.
While the object of many of our engagements is to assist our clients to minimise or eliminate customs duty otherwise payable we are also experts in tariff classification, valuation, compliance and government project and trade assistance schemes and offer training as required.